Anyone's opinion about VTL amps?

I have been listening to VTL-MB450 monoblocks. The best sound of these monoblock amps impressed me when I listen to vocals but for instrumentals they sound too laid back. Anyone has any suggestion?
Nguyenchiro I actually owned the 450 signature previous to the 750's yes they are quite a bit better overall. The upper bass is much better much more authoritative and the resolution of detail is improved upon also the dynamics are improved too. I previously used a Audio Aero Capitol Mark 2 CD player have upgraded this with the Wadia combination, neither of these sounded what I would call too laid back. your system shows the Bybee line conditioner are your amps plugged into it? Have you tried the system without the conditioner? If amps are plugged into it try plugging them directly into the outlet. Also is your electrical circuit just on one circuit breaker? Amperage its rated for? What's your cabling currently? current preamp is? Wondering if it's the Cary? They have a reputation for being very laid back. oh are you running with the RCA input or balanced? The balanced sounds a little less laid back.
Just to comment on Mejames' last suggestion, this hasn't proven to be the case in my set-up. From my fully-balanced Levinson 380S preamp, and using identical interconnect models in both XLR and RCA versions (from two different brands, for a total of four varieties tested), I found the single-ended connections as a class to sound a bit more direct and present. This is just as Luke Manley told me to expect for his non-balanced amp designs, as single-ended input presumably eliminates a little extra in the way of unecessary signal path length and solder connections. (For the record, I have generally found balanced connection to be superior between balanced components.) I wonder if Mejames was comparing otherwise identical cables?
hello yes was comparing the XLO SIGNATURE 2 RCA version and the balanced signature 2 IC's seemed like everything moved forward about 1 foot in the soundstage. It could have changed because of the truly balanced Wadia equipment or because of the amplifier I really can't say why but balanced definitely sounded much better overall in my system. I understand the 750 reference is a truly balanced design [which may explain why it sounded better for me vs.Zaikesmans not truly balanced mb 185 not sounding better via balanced cables] don't know if the 450 is truly balanced or not.
Mejames: Of course different results are possible in different situations, and to different ears. But to the best of my knowledge, all of the VTL amp models utilize similar single-ended circuitry.
I am currently using a pair of MB 750's and they are great. I think I may be done buying amps. I love these things, and at $8000.00 a pair used, I have 800 tube watts and they are cosmetically beautiful also. The same wattage would cost you almost twice as much with ARC. I am not a whealthy man, so to me I call that the point of diminishing return.
VTL customer service is also wonderful, I called them after business hours a few weeks back and Bea Lam called me back on her cell phone from CES in Vegas and calmed me down when I thought my amps were making noise, and she helped me find out that it was a bad tube in my Hovland HP-100. Hope this helps!