Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Wow, Sts. Talk about being fully backward integrated. That's amazing. Now I understand the reason for the pricing on some of those Tara cables.
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Tara Lab's cable's technology addresses this common interference by removeing it to good effect, portray's a better sound within any given system,
Radio Frequency Interference/Electromagnetic Interference. The most common causes of noise and interference in the transmission of both audio and video signals.

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) refers to energy that is radiated by devices such as audio/video components, which contain transformers, AC cables and other electronic components that generate electromagnetic fields. The radiation of this energy is the major source of electromagnetic interference in an audio system. EMI affects the audio signal, adding noise and hash and obscuring low level detail and ambient information.

Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) is actually a type of electromagnetic interference referring to signals within the radio frequency spectrum of 70 kHz and above.

The abundance of RF pollution in the environment has been compounded in recent years by the proliferation of appliances generating RF signals. Furthermore, digital technology in audio systems has exacerbated the problem because RF modulation of the transmission of digital information affects the audio signal also. For this reason separate Floating Ground Stations® for Analog and Digital Interconnects are provided.

In an audio or home theater system, the interfaces which are most vulnerable to RFI are the interconnect cables themselves, which tend to behave like antennae for RF signals. The order of magnitude between the audio signal in the cable and the RFI in the cable is close enough in both analog and digital signal transmission that it can be a serious problem. (NOTE: This problem does not generally exist in speaker cable because of its characteristic combination of high current and low impedance.)
AudioLab. - The interview I quoted in my post is with Gabriel Caelin of Shunyata Research. See the 2nd line. No connection to Gabriel Gold so far as I know.
Sts, I understand, we went over this before, I do not see the point to do it again, why do you?, I remember all your post quite well, thankyou.