Aerial Acoustics 7B and Best Amplifier Pairing

What would be the best amplifier pairing for the Aerial Acoustics 7B? I am considering Pass Labs as well as McIntosh.
I've used a Sunfire Cinema Grand to great effect driving 7Bs, CC3 & SR3s. I am a big fan of the Pass Labs amps, and think they could be a match. Could be a too warm combo for some. To my ears, the Macs I've heard are not in the same league as either Pass or Sunfire.
Haven't heard the Bryston w/these speakers, but could be a good match because if anything, the Aerial is a bit on the warm side, where the Bryston amps generally lean a tad to the analytical, dry side. They could work well together.
I also recommmend you give a Dreadnaught a listen...Aerial and Theta are a good combination
Theta dreadnaught or if you can swing the Enterprise mono's they are incrediable!!
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