CJ MF 2500A:is it gonna open up?

I am in the process of breaking in this amp and 2 days in it still sounds flat and metallic.No comparison to earlier fet models.Is it just the burn-in question or is it going to stay that way?The soundstage it throws is huge but the 3-D feel of earlier models is not here.Also,the midrange is kinda metallic.I can only hope some changes are coming.
Post Christmas depression is amplified right now.
I still have MF 200.MF 2500A has more detail,but listening to it doesn't hold your attention.Nothing is wrong with the amp ,It sounds like Krell,powerful but cold.I'll give it another week.
I know what your going through. I had simliar issue's
with a BAT VK500. It sounded harsh and metallic. Yuck!
My dealer told me to be patient and let it burn in.
Then one day I turned it on and "POOF" it was all gone.
Smooth, luscious and detailed. Life was good. You have
a great amp there. Be patient and let it burn in. I
think you'll be a happy camper soon.

My 2500A sounds delicious IMO! I bought it already broken in though. Do you leave it on all the time?
I had the same experience with a new 2500A a few years ago. Very disappointing at first--lots of detail, but metallic-sounding, as you describe. I've been through this before, so I used a technique which had helped me in the past: over the next few weeks I experimented with power cords, power conditioners, cabling, isolation devices. Naturally, everything I tried changed the sound, and often for the better. As I listened for combinations that worked, my point of reference began to change, and the superb detail and ease of the 2500A began to work its magic on me. I grew to love the amp, and kept it for over a year (a long time for me). What happened? The amp broke in, my ears broke in. The idea here is to focus on something other than just your amp (and your disappointment). Meet the amp halfway: start playing with other things in your system to see how they can enhance the "new sound" you're hearing--I'd bet you'll come to a happy accomodation soon.