Tube Equipment: Gimmick?

I recently had a mechanical engineer (who has no interest in audio equipment or the industry) express amazement when I told him about the high prices of tube gear. His amazement, he said, stemmed from the fact that tubes are antiquated gear, incapable of separating signals the way (what we call "solid state") equipment can.

In essence, he said tubes could never be as accurate as SS gear, even at the height of the technology's maturity. This seems substantiated by the high-dollar tube gear I've heard - many of the things that many here love so much about the "tube sound" are wonderful - but to my ears, not true to the recording, being either too "bloomy" in the vocal range or too "saturated" throughout, if that makes any sense.

I have limited experience with tubes, so my questions are: what is the attraction of tubes, and when we talk about SS gear, do we hit a point where the equipment is so resolving that it makes listening to music no fun? Hmmm..or maybe being *too* accurate is the reason folks turn from SS to tubes?

Thanks in advance for the thoughts!
Tubes are an absolute joke. I simply cannot believe anyone would be foolish enough to invest in inferior equipment. I have listened to both, and determined that solid state is the way to go. Also, I am not interested in replacing tubes every 18mos.
You guys should save your money and get into some Krell!

I guess there are alot of gear designers and listeners that are fools, based upon your comments. Obviously you do not know tubes.

"Inferior equipment"? You sound like the Borg [not the tennis player].

This hobby is about enjoying music, therefore the importance of "accuracy" isn't necessarily THE primary attribute an audiophile seeks to attain, but just one of the MANY.

Krell??!! I guess if you're an emotionless bot, heheh.
Bring your friend here to A'gon, and don't tell him where you're taking him. When you get him here, lead him in and just close the door behind you and walk away. What we're going to do to him ain't going to be very pretty, but when you see him again he won't be saying any nasty things about tubes no more. Gumbei, fire up those hot pokers! Tubegroover, start sharpening the rotating blades! Mattybumpkin, hoist up that big-ass Krell monoblock up over the strapdown "Table of Enlightenment" and make sure to plug it in so it's good and hot by the time we need it. Ya gotta get it hot this time Bumpkin! Last time you warmed it up with that Enya crap and you couldn't even keep your tea warm on it (about all it's good for anyway) - Listen, cue up some Tool or Slayer on repeat till he gets him here.....I wanna be able to cook sausages on that puppy!!! Don't you worry none Aggielaw, you're friend is going to be singing the praises of tubes, or he ain't going to be singing ever again, we'll see to it! Oh, and someone tell that Jiwitn to stay home with all his begging for mercy and blubberin' and's just embarrasing!

I forgot to mention something. Tube equipment lacks dynamic range; an essential aspect of music.