Tenor Hybrid v. VTL MB-450 Sig.

I am planning on replacing my VTLs with the Tenor stereo 150 hybrid . Since I will not be able to hear them first and since they are a substantial outlay over what my VTLs are worth, I am hoping that some of you may have heard both. Would you mind characterizing the differences that I should expect to hear? I have Merlin VSMMs, a First Sound preamp, and an Audio Logic 24mxl DAC. Other amps that I am considering are the Joule VZN-100s, or a CAT JL2. My pre-purchase buyers remorse is that they will be better but maybe not commensurate with the extra cost. I am aware of the higher cost/diminshing returns reality. However, from what I have read, these hybrids seem to be a huge step up. If I audition a piece and hear an improvement that meets my personal cost/benefit ratio, I buy it. So, with no personal experience with the Tenors, I am finding it is a bit difficult to make the leap to buy the most exp. piece of gear in my system. Any input you may have is greatly appreciated. By the way, JTinn and I have had several conversations about this subject. He had been very helpful and generous with his time. In this post, I am looking for more of a comsumer point of view.
Zaikesman & Samuel,
Thank you for the thoughtful recommendations. I was referred to a very nice guy in Ohio who inivited me over to listen to his Tenors. However, he does have new Meitner gear and Kharmas. So, I may end up with quite unrealistic expectations. I think the suggestion of a return policy with a restocking fee is great idea. I am very comfortable with that. I have bought many pieces of equipment with that possibility. I kept all of them. I am surprised that I had not thought to make that request. Thank you for the idea, Zaikesman. Samuel, you are right. I really do need to hear the amp in my room with my stuff. It was very kind of you guys to take the time to help. Thank you.
I would like to offer a somewhat contrarian view. Please keep in mind that I have only heard the Tenors at shows and not in my home. First, the Tenor 75 watt OTL is a very special amplifier from the mid bass through the treble. Unfortunately somewhat underpowered for my current speakers. The bass is good but more akin to what one might expect from a tubed amplifier than solid state/high current, lacking some control and extension but very organic. The hybrids clearly have different and most would say better bass, better controlled with greater focus and slam. They also have better dynamics at the loud end of the spectrum. What they lack for me is the extreme textural and timbral dexterity that the Tenor 75's exhibit. They also exhibit some discontinuity between the bass and the remainder of the frequency spectrum.

If you need the extra power, I would suggest listening to the latest version of the Lamm hybrids which I thonk are excellent. Mike and Nellie at Audio Federation have these on demo and have listened to them with a wide variety of different speakers and can talk knowledgeably about them as well as the Edge products.

Good listening.
Hello Brooks, I would not commit to the purchase until I got to hear the amp in my system. I recently heard the Tenor OTL's and the mono Tenor hybrid's and heard a lot more music coming out of the OTL's. Please let your ears be the judge. Good luck, Tom
In one of tenor's ads. they offer in home auditioning. Have you contacted tenor?
If I were you I would put your money towards a more full range set of speakers and forget the amps for now as the VTL will get you down the road in fine style.....What is the nonsense about a restocking fee? You are auditioning a production amplifier, not custom goods........