A sexy new amp...Channel Island

Has anyone had a chance to listen to the new Channel Island Mono block amps. I admit that I am seduced by the channel island design simplicity, and was hoping that this straight forward approach had somehow produced a sound quality that was clean and powerful. The reviews have been encouraging, but with a great deal of options available to choose from in the $1500 range, the competition is stiff. For example how would these separates compare to Rotel or Musical Fidelity integrals or separates for that matter.
And the price is right...
uggg, you are right, the kiss of death. It is just that so few designers follow a minimalist design strategy.Perhaps i should have phrased the question as: what is the most minimalist amp / components out there?
You know, I really like the way Channel Island, 47 Labs and Scott Nixon stuff looks. Someday I'd like to build a system consisting of these cute little honeys all on one long elegant hardwood shelf. Kind of a parade of little, metal, hottie, spinners.
After having received the Final Music 5 Preamp and Music 6 amp, with their own battery driven power supplies...I will say, I am taken with this "minimalist" circuitry philosophy, but the looks....the looks of these pieces!
PS: Will never even go back to useless knobs and absolutely useless weight of other, more oh, so complex pieces. Also have the 47 Labs Shigaraki Integrated as my other ace.