Pre-Amp decision from a Newbie - Need Help

I am looking for a solid state pre-amp less than $1000.00 that will fit in my newbie rigg, as I have just entered the serious world of fine audio reproduction. I have a Rega Planet 2000 as my source, along with a Rotel RB1080 amp driving a pair of B&W DM604S3's. I listen to progressive rock and metal, which demands the quick bass punch, long deep melotron notes, and warmer mids along with super crisp high's. Is there a pre-amp that can fit in this setup? Perhaps being able to add a tuner for the other half might come in the futureas well. HELP!!!
Given your budget and the other equipment you have, I would suggest that you consider an Odyssey Audio Tempest preamp.
Many all tube or tube hybrid preamps will give you better sound and a nice balance w/your ss power amp?
If you're tube-shy, remember that tubes in preamps don't need biasing, last years, and are no harder to replace than swapping power cords.
All the guitarists you're listening to have tubes in their guitar amps!
Consider Audible Illusions, Audio Research(e.g. LS7), Conrad-Johnson(made in nearby Binghamton), Rogue Audio. Lots to good stuff that beats most ss in your price range.

I would avoid the B&K. You can do a lot better. For something cheap check out the Aragon pre-amps. They have a few good SS models. For something better, used but still in your price range, see if you can find an older Klyne pre-amp.

They have a great sound for not too much money. I defy you to find anyone who really dislikes them. Although most companies seem to have thier serious detractors, Klyne seems to be somewhat of an exception. Some models are line stage while other contain a phono stage. Make sure you know what you're getting.