Best Amps for Martin Logans????

I am looking to upgrade on an amp and don't know which one would best match with my ML SL-3's. I've been reading up a little on amps such as Pass Labs X-150;X-250;
Krell FPB-c series; Jeff Rowland's and Plinius SA-102's.
Even thought of a monster size Krell KSA-300 (185 lbs.)
Many seem to favor the plinius SA-102's but their web site
recommend this amp to be used on speakers rated between 4
to 8 ohms and ML's are rated down to 1 ohm so I guess that
amp is out. Any suggestions? Greatly appreciate your responses.
I use the Mcintosh 352 with my ML Odysseys. Works great with plenty of power and can handle the ohm load of the ML's.
Try calling Frank Gow of Audio Classics in Binghamton NY ... I am sure he can point you in the right direction.
You'll notice that the previous 3 posts all recommend something other than Krell. Funny thing is, many dealerships match ML and Krell in their showrooms. Don't know why. The strengths of ML are transparency and high frequencies. Krell's sound is analytical side of neutral, maybe a little dry and not especially warm. IMHO this is a less than perfect match. I have heard Maggies w/ Pass Lab amps which sounded involving together. Just some observations.
I use a Meridian 557 200 watt power amp with my ML SL3's with stunning results.