Next Biggest Improvement after Speakers ?

I know that different speakers offer the biggest and most dramatic difference and/or sonic improvement over other components in a system.
In your opinion, from personal experience, what component[s] usually offers the NEXT biggest sonic difference and/or improvements: Front end? Preamp? Power amplifier? Interconnects and Cables?
In what order,[most to least]?
Nrchy, Ivor wasn't exactly unbiased. His primary goal was to sell turntables. What do you think he would say?

Assume you are correct that the source is most important and all the other elements in the chain only degrade the signal. Can't you at least admit that the speakers would be second in importance, simply because they have more potential to screw up the sound than any other component? To say speakers are the least important component (less than cables?) seems disingenuous to me.

Like others have said, balance is the key. Every component must be of high quality or the weakest one will define the character of the system.
Actually Uppermidfi, I would argue that the source starts with the LP spinning on the platter then it goes to the cart (and arm) then phono stage. If the vinyl is not spinning flat, true, and constant the cart's performance will be compromised. (In my experience). So I would get the best table I could afford. Your mileage may vary (and perhaps it does!). No right or wrong answers. :-)
Aroc, I don't know that we disagree a lot. I would not put a shelter 901 or a Lyra Titan on a Dual CS 505, but I also would not put a Sumiko Pearl on a Walker Procenium Turntable.

At the same time the better cartridge will sound better than a lesser cartridge on any given TT. The cartridges ability to retrieve the signal is extremely dependant on the arm and table doing their job correctly. So a better cartridge is always more important to the ultimate signal that arrives at the speakers. I'm not sure if there are any right answers either, since there is a lot more opinion and a lot less fact involved in this hobby.
Interesting, but not to surprising, responses. I am in the speakers camp of 'the most important' as I feel they have a huge influence on the whole. I also believe that amp and speaker matching is important.

John's (Stehno) views above I find interesting and would be intrigued by experimentation...not that I am about to embark on this.

I am not convinced of source being 'the most' important, though all links have their level of importance. Even inexpensive source componants today put out 'decent' performance, but cheap speakers will show immediatly. Just my opinion.

Therefore, my opinion, in answer to your question would be the amp.