Stupid question of the day: Should I leave Amp on?

Hi.... almost afraid to ask: do people switch off their equipment or leave it powered 24/7? I have a mid-fi Acurus A250 and LS11 Amp Preamp and am not sure what is wore: switch it off every evening or leave it powered?
Would be great to hear what the experts have to say,
I agree with Ken, I am scared that my power switches may not work- I only used them once when I got the amps! Though in a few months I will need to turn them off to swap out an interconnect and power cords- I better start preping myself for this :o)
Here's a wrinkle - my amp is in "standby" until it's switched to full power. Is standby the same as full power?
Ideally, standby leaves the primary gain stage(s) powered up so your capacitors stay nice and juicy and ready to go.
The final, power consuming stage is switched off.
There are a few amps whose mfg'erers recommend leaving the amp on at all times. The Sim-Audio Moon W-5 could actually take a full 3 days to warm up.

But in my limited experience it seems that the majority of amps only require between 30 minutes and a few hours to warm up.

For sake of fire and/or lightning, I prefer to shut it off every night and depending on the season, even unplug things.