Stupid question of the day: Should I leave Amp on?

Hi.... almost afraid to ask: do people switch off their equipment or leave it powered 24/7? I have a mid-fi Acurus A250 and LS11 Amp Preamp and am not sure what is wore: switch it off every evening or leave it powered?
Would be great to hear what the experts have to say,
I ultimately had to decide that burning the tubes for hundreds of hours when I am not listening is too high a price to pay for the small, but precious, number of enhanced listening hours. Have left on solid state equipment, without the same misgivings, since there is not the more obvious aging seen with tubes, and lack of a power switch seems to be a hint from the manufacturers when it doesn't worry them.
Dweller: Your post didn't come across as a "funny" to me. Other than that, i wasn't "gouging" on you or what you said, but was asking who / what / where you were drawing your references from and went on to explain why i had the thoughts that i did. Sorry if you took it the wrong way. Sean
conrad-johnson recommends turning thier tube products off when not in it causes pre-mature tube failure.
Does not living power amp on shorten his live?
My Clayton monoblocks do not have standby feature.
Shoud I leave them on or off for the sake of longevity not sound quality?