Any Experience with Audio Valve?

Has anyone owned, heard, or repaired Audio Valve equipment? The Challenger 160s look particularly interesting, but I can't find too much information about them. Anything to help?
Ag insider logo xs@2xcocozhou
I own both ppp45 monoblocks and the Assistent integrated amp. Obviously, I like Audio Valve's sound.

Audio Valve tends to be very detailed and quiet, and works extraordinarily well over a wide variety of music. Their products are also self-biasing (the newer ones also have LED's next to each tube that tells you when the tube is bad) and beautiful to look at.

I haven't heard the Challenger 160's but can only assume that they are outstanding, as well.

Good luck!

David at David Lewis Audio in Philadelphia raved about them when I was browsing in his shop a few months ago. Sure he'd be worth talking to about them. He often runs big ads in Stereophile.
