Any Experience with Audio Valve?

Has anyone owned, heard, or repaired Audio Valve equipment? The Challenger 160s look particularly interesting, but I can't find too much information about them. Anything to help?
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I own both ppp45 monoblocks and the Assistent integrated amp. Obviously, I like Audio Valve's sound.

Audio Valve tends to be very detailed and quiet, and works extraordinarily well over a wide variety of music. Their products are also self-biasing (the newer ones also have LED's next to each tube that tells you when the tube is bad) and beautiful to look at.

I haven't heard the Challenger 160's but can only assume that they are outstanding, as well.

Good luck!

David at David Lewis Audio in Philadelphia raved about them when I was browsing in his shop a few months ago. Sure he'd be worth talking to about them. He often runs big ads in Stereophile.

I own the challenger mono's they are wonderful. Plenty of power, detailed, and built like tanks
Sbank, Michael(Sufentanil) is definitely going to have something to say about Dave Serota at David Lewis Audio. Our boy Dave has the social skills of the lowest order. Wonder how he has kept from going out of business.

I have heard Michael's AudioValve setups, and have to agree the brand is definitely not getting the exposure it should. Very good sound, at what seem to be bargain prices, at least on the used market. I agree with the low noise floor, and they seem to offer an engaging sound.

One concern I have is the reliability of the product, as he has seen some issues there.