Bryston 4B-ST, Magnepan 1.6QR, suggest a preamp.

I'm resigned to the fact that my Mesa Baron Tigris integrated tube amp won't drive my Magnepan 1.6QR's to their full potential, so I'm buying a Bryston 4B-ST and need your advice on a pre-amp to match. I'd prefer tubes and could go either with or without a phono stage. I'll be using a sub, so I'd also want two pair of outputs. Suggestions?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
Dave43, I own the 4Bst and have mated it with four different preamps and three of them have been tube based preamps. I find that tubes are a much better compliment with the Bryston. I had a Rogue Magnum 99 that was bought new and found the sound to close to solid state and not to my liking. I then bought a Cary Slp98 and after a capacitor upgrade, this unit is down right fantastic. Its reviewed in this months Stereophile.....keep your options opened.
Was using an ARC LS2B for nearly a year with a Bryston 14BST and briefly with a 4BST with superb results. Recently replaced the LS2B with a ARC SP16 with phono stage and wow I think I am just discovering what soundstaging, image and space between instruments is all or nearly all about. Heartly recommend the combo of Bryston and ARC SP 16.Great value for money with two of the most respected names in high end audio.
I'm using an ARC LS-16 with a 4B-ST to drive Acoustats and it's a great combination.

I used to use a Blue Circle BC21.1 with my 4B-ST. The 21.1 really made a large, positive impact on the 4B's performance... far more musical. If you want to discuss the specifics of the 21.1, send me an email as I'd love to talk about it.

Best wishes,
