Step-up from Plinius SA-102?

I use Plinius SA-102, it's a great amp, but i want more attack and control. I've also tried the SA-250, but it wasn't what i was looking for!
I've been recommended to look into Krell. I've heard the fpb 250 mono's at demo shows and found them somewhat fatiguing quite fast!
I also got the impression they are not suitable to speakers which easily can be provoked, to sound a little harsh with bright sounding equipment?
Speakers used are an advanced small serie speaker, it was never put in real production. Mostly for the reason, they were to expensive to build. They are very much alike Avalon's Eidelon and likes in Kharma range.
A 2-way monitor, with ceramique's from thiel and partner.
Each bass-module employs a 10inch tc sounds
(wisdom audio use these) bassdriver cutting in at 100Hz.
They truely has a sensivity as low as 83db.
Impedance is nominally 4ohm but never below 3ohm.
They respond directly to what you put in the chain!
Other links in the chain is,
Meridian 588 and Classe 47.5mk2.
I have decided to first concentrate at amp!
So, anyone with suggestions?
I'm most thankful to anyone sharing info and thoughts!
Ok, thanks for looking in!
Be careful what you wish for. Too much "attack and control" can certainly be fatiguing, as you found out when listening to the Krells. I think the Krell monoblocks are great for a speaker that is difficult to drive, but in a dynamic speaker, it can be too much of a good thing. I had Krell FBP350 MCX's in my system and it was a little too much. I switched to Levinson 436's and for me it was just right. Detail and
accuracy without the fatiguing edge, musical bass without so much boom, just a touch of warmth, wonderful extension, snapped the whole system into place, etc. etc. etc. I encourage you to give them a listen.

The Pass is a good suggestion.Also consider the Edge NL series,Plinius SB300 or Halcros.Lamm M2.1/2,2s?
I think Duke nailed it, as usual. I have owned Krell before. My favorite was the older KSA 250. I had it for 7 years. The newer ones sound a little sharper to me. Lately I have been listening to the Parasound JC-1's and am very impressed with them. No listening fatigue. These would be over 1000 watt monoblocks on your 83db speakers. I think it would be a great match, try to give them a listen.
Consider a pair of bridged BEL 1001's.
These amps are tough to acquire but have a cult following.
I've heard the Plinius 102's transform to another level when bridged. Why not try this approach first?