IO Signature/Steelhead/Arc Reference/ and Colibrì?

So, to sum up, according to you, which is the best arranged system for the Colibrì 0,65 mv at 500 Ohm optimal suggested load impedence?
I mean , just for analog LP playback!

These are the combos I could arrange used:

1. Io Signature with dual power supplies with Volume
2. Io Signature with dual power supplies and ARC REF 2 MkII
3. ARC Reference Phono with ARC Reference 2 MkII
4. Manley Steelhead with volume control
5. Manley Steelhead and ARC REF 2 MKII
6. Other combos?

I've heard the Colibri on a Rockport System III through an updated Vendetta and it just about cracked the slab compared to the tube unit the customer had been using......These aren't easy to find used and my partner takes his time with the updates, but it works really well with the Colibri.....The Generation II Vendetta will be out the end of the year........

There are a number of posts on tube rolling for the Io here on A-Gon and many by Albert Porter who has a TON of experience with this unit. A search on "Aesthetix Io" would likely reveal them. There are a number of different tubes to suit different tastes.

For lower noise, I use, as recommended by Albert and others, Telefunken 12AX7s. You can start in the first gain stage (most important) and then experiment from there. They can also be used in the power supply. Many replace the stock 6SN7s with RCA Red base 5692s (I currently have these but am going to try Brinmars and Ken Rads) and replace the stock 6922s with various 6DJ8/6922/7308s. My friend Kevin Tellecamp at Silent Running Audio and I bought and REALLY like the tubes and great customer service we get from Bruce Winger at BWS Consulting ( who provided all the NOS tubes we needed and guarantees satisfaction.

I am using NOS Amperex EL-34s in the power supply where Albert likes Mullards. I also use a Russian 6922 alternative where Albert like Mullards (I usually like Amperex 7308s but didn't like them in this unit for some reason).

As for the second power supply, it really is a cost/benefit analysis based on your own finances and preferences. FOR me, it added a bit (not a ton) of slam, transparency and slightly improved dynamics. If your funds allow it, go for it. If not, you probably won't be unhappy with one.

As for the 220 conversion, I doubt it would be difficult but I would call Jim White for the real answer.
I posted a similar question here last year. I recall that Albert Porter and another member here, both with phenomenol systems, preferred their systems with a line stage rather than using the Io straight into their amps. They both claimed there was more dynamics to the sound perhaps due to the additional headroom of the line stage. You may want to do a search here for that discussion as it could prove to be valuable for you. Ultimately I went with the Aesthetix IO and BAT 31SE combo.
Jafox, your post made me want to slightly clarify my previous post. I may have been the other person you are referring to (maybe not) so I do not want to seem to be contradicting myself. My advice to Zender about going with the phono stage with volume controls is more a theoretical suggestion as I have always used a line stage. As you know, conventional wisdom would dictate that less in the signal path is better. However, my own personal tastes would probably also weigh on the side of using the line stage for the reasons you mentioned. Since I need a line stage for digital, I haven't had to really face the issue.

However, I CAN say this -- when I had the Manley Steelehead, I tried bypassing my line stage and ran my CDP without a line stage using the Manley's "line in" option and I MUCH preferred using my line stage. I also made one short comparison where I ran my analog rig through my Steelhead AND my linestage (my normal set-up) versus using the Manley's volume control. In that situation I preferred running the Manley through the line stage but I didn't verify this with any long term listening.
Just a thought on running digital through the Io with volume control... With the volume control option, Jim includes a single switched high level input. So, the design accomodates an additional high level source, whether CD, tuner or other. To accomodate multiple additonal sources, one is faced with inserting a separate switch box or with swapping the interconnect among sources. I've chosen to do the latter in switching between CD or Tuner. Inelegant, but effective. And it may work for me only because I listen to vinyl 95% of the time anyway.

Also, keep in mind that the Io's second input inserts ahead of the last active gain stage. This means it avoids the issues that exist with a purely passive volume control set-up. I don't know if the Manley does this as well, or whether the Manley inserts directly ahead of the volume control in a purely passive arrangement. And, keep in mind that the volume control used in the Io is the same incredibly high quality volume control used in the Callisto line stage. Perhaps Fmpnd can shed some light on whether the Steelhead's design is similar or different. If different, that might account for his strong preference for the linestage with the Steelhead.

At the same time, I've also read Albert Porter's comments about preferring the Io and Callisto in combination to the Io solo. All I will add is that I'm using the Io Signature alone with a 0.4mv output cartridge, and the dynamics seem without limit. (Using the dual power supplies option does have an impact on dynamics.) If the addition of a Callisto linestage is even better, wonderful! But, the Io Signature with volume control and dual power supplies is pretty doggone incredible, too. I don't hesitate to recommend it to anyone who listens primarily to vinyl and who is willing to take a minimalist approach to inputs, outputs and other switchable features.