I am looking for a second hand preamp to my SONY SCD-555ES player(moded European model with balanced outputs), ARC CL-120 amps(balanced), Proac One Sc speakers set up.

I have two offers: ARC LS5 MKIII and LS25MKII for roughly the same price.

Would need the help of those who had the chance to compare these preamps or owned them.

Any comment would be welcomed!

Thanks all of you for the valuable comments, now I know which way to go... :>)

Ken Ken Ken...Kehut, you're so funny. I'm warning you, if you take an LS5 home, you're gonna smile....until you have to have to pay for it....but you will keep it!

Bluefin: Yes, absolutely system synergy is important here. I think of the LS5 as a front row presentation whereas the 31SE is more middle of the theatre. It's really all what you like and how it balances with other components. Just be careful with Cardas Golden Cross here: it is addicting at first, but it can be too much of a good thing quickly and much detail is lost.

At the time I changed from LS5 III to 31SE, I had the BAT 10 phono, ARC CL150s and Counterpoint NPS400 driving Talon Khorus and/or Maggie 3.5s. The LS5 was not a very good match with the CL150s as the combination made the presentation a bit too forward. The VT130 is much better balanced than the CL150s in this regard. The NPS400 has even great tonal balance than the VT130 but it gives up some of that awesome harmonic richness of the VT130. It really is about fine tuning the system and not too focused on any one link for long.

Comparing the 31SE to the LS5 III at home and at a dealer, in both cases, the 31SE had so much more extension in the lowest octave. And there was an incredible coherency across the entire band with the 31SE.

When I went to the BAT dealer, he demoed a jazz track where we could hear a string bassist slowly going up and down the register...with the 31SE you could hear a few extra notes at the bottom vs with the LS5 III. I was greatly impressed by this. He did another demo of an old jazz track where you could hear tape hiss as background noise. With the 31SE, that band of hiss went fully across the speakers which made it easier to tune out. With the LS5 III, the hiss was very much more localized at the speakers and at a higher level which made it not so easy to tune out. Coherency, smoothness and naturalness are words that come to mind with the 31SE. As for ambience, bloom, 3D, decay, etc., all the great strengths of the LS5, the 31SE sacrificed none of these in either of the 2 systems. I never felt like I was listening to a solid state preamp like the LS2, 15, 22, etc., make me feel.

It's so cool to hear how everyone here is so happy with the sound of their systems.

My experience is with 30SE not 31SE, sorry for the error. BAT is a very good preamp, in several ways it is better than LS5. Bass is better control, I think, that's why John hear better image across spectrum on the demo. Overall it is more transparent and has very refined top end and bass control is top notch for a tube gear. LS5 is more bloom and lush in the middle frequency, and I am a middle freq guy and not care so much about details or air. I prefer that warm sound of LS-5 or SP-10, to me this is the "tube sound". I did not mean BAT sound like a bad ss, but I mean a good ss. Just different flavor, I will compare BAT xxSE to the highly regarded C-J ART-I (ss) or Accuphase top end preamp. Many good ss preamp sounds awesome too.
I have the LS5MKIII - and when I originally auditioned it against the Ref 1 (home demo) thought the 5 was much more soulful. Had Steve at GNS put in IEC for aftermarket cords and had ARC put Infinicaps in. Suspect it'll be a legacy piece of gear I keep for a long long time. DO wish it had remote and have had occasions to wish for rca ins and outs too, but, for 99% of the time, it's love.

Best Regards,
