Be aware of subjective terms and phrases. Its your money and you should spend it wisely. Find a local hi-fi shop and go listen to high end separates and some high end receivers. I think you'll agree phrases like "this blows that away" are bogus in 90% of the cases you read about. Yes, a $5000 preamp with a $5000 amp will blow away a $200 receiver. But I have been through this and can say with all honesty when you compare apples to apples, you'll find you may like the green apples better than the red apples but that don't make them better. This logic I feel especially applies to home theater as explosions and booms are less distinguishable than the subtle notes of an orchestra, or a complex musical recording.
Don't take my word for it; go do some listening of your own and you decide.
Don't take my word for it; go do some listening of your own and you decide.