Good Amp/Preamp for "bright " Thiel 3.6 speakers ?

I have a pair of Thiel 3.6 speakers that I am quiet fond of. I bought them a few years ago after listening to them on some very expensive equipment at a stereo store. They have been great at home with clean tight bass and exceptional detail. I am finally ready to get a decent amp and preamp to compliment these speakers and I am looking for a recommendation.

The two things that I have learned about these speakers is that they are considered to be Bright and power hungrey. The minumum power required to drive these monsters is 250 watts. I personally would say that they are extremely revealing of any flaws in a system and not "bright". And when paired with the right equipment they are beautiful, clear, and present a remarkable soundstage which is what I love.

So what I am looking for is an Amp / Preamp combo that provides beautiful detail and imaging but no Brightness or Harshness. I need a combo that with amaze me with detail and presentation but will also let me listen for hours without exhausting my ears. The ultimate complement to these speakers.

I have browsed around this site for a few days and have stumbled across the following mainstream equipment but have not been able to make a decision about a single item let alone a pairing.

Bryston amp 4b-st 250w $1,100.00
Rotel amp rb-1090 380w $1,200.00
Krell amp kav-250a 250w $1,350.00
CJ amp mf-250 250w $1,750.00
Bryston amp 4b-sst 300w $1,800.00
Musical Fidelity amp a-308cr 250w $1,900.00
Krell amp kav-2250 250w $2,000.00
Musical Fidelity int nu-vista 300 300w $3,000.00
Musical Fidelity int tri-vista 300 350w $4,200.00
Krell int kav500i $1,700.00

Krell pre kav-280p $1,800.00
Krell pre kav-250p $800.00

I know there are other great pieces out there and I haven't really gotten a feel for the available preamps yet but the conrad johnson preamps have caught my eyes a few times.

I am hoping to spend less that $4000 total and would be happy if I could keep it under $3000.

I haven't decided on a cd player but may end up with a high quality DAC later. For now I just want to get the amp and preamp and then start auditioning cd players.

Thanks for any help you can give me.
I am using a Classe CA 200 with my Thiel 2.2's and they sound great. I have owned and used Bryston 4B,4NRB and 4BST
and the Classe balanced out the highs.I love my Bryston
amps with my Maggies!

You might try the Classe CA 300 if you feel you need more power for your 3.6"s.
I am driving my 3.6's with all Conrad Johnson electronics Premier 16lsII tubed pre with a MF2500A ss amp. I love the combination very much, huge soundstage with great depth and no harshness but substantial detail; especiall after the "A" upgrade to my amp. My front end is a Sony SCD-1(stock) and cables are all Audioquest (Anaconda for interconnects and Volcano for the Thiels). I agree with you concerning the Thiels that when they are matched with the correct electronics they are great speakers. Good luck in your decision making.

I have been through a fairly similar experience, so perhaps I can be of some help. First off, I tend to agree that the 3.6's (and Thiels in general) are not "bright" or overly forward in and of themselves. However, they will certainly reveal every flaw (and gem!) in your associated equipment, so you are smart to look for a good pre/pro combination. I started off with a Rotel RSP-1066 pre/pro (more on that later) combined with Adcom amps (a GFA-555II in bridged mono on each 3.6). The more I read, the more I decided that it wasn't a good idea to be using the Adcoms bridged into such a difficult load (whihc would sometimes present a 1 ohm load to them in bridged mono). Plus, it's always nice to have an excuse to upgrade, so I listened to numerous amps with my 3.6's. You may have seen my thread on the topic. If not, check out "Best affordable amp for Thiel CS3.6."

None of the amps that you have listed made my short list, although the MF amps would probably work well, and the Rotel is capable, though not ideal, with the 3.6's. It is my understanding that the 3.6's are some of the most difficult speakers to drive, and with a 4 ohm nominal load, they spend a lot of their time at 2 ohm. Because of this, I was recommended to stick with the 7B's or 14B if I went the Bryston route. With regard to Krells, I was told by many people (including the folks at Thiel) that the KAV series would not be a good match, but that the FPB series is a very good match. FWIW, I have been very pleased with all of the Krell preamps that I have heard, and this is an area where I predict that Krell will have much success.

My choice of amp was Theta, and I really think that you can't go wrong with ANY Theta amp. I am picking up a pair of Enterprises to power my 3.6's (which are well out of your price range), but I also picked up an Intrepid 5-channel and have been using it to power my 3.6's until I get the Enterprises. Even though it is only 100wpc and it's a 5-channel amp, it drives the Thiels stunningly well. In fact, at $460/channel ($2,300 for the amp, demo), it sounded equally as good with my system as the tricked out Edge NL-10 ($6,500/channel) which I auditioned in my home. Of course, the remainder of my system is not up to such a level as to hear every nuance, but still, you'd expect to hear some difference. Certainly, the Theta and Edge could both be heard to be a noticeable improvement over the Adcom (which all in all is still not bad for the money). Certainly, the Intrepid is in your price range, although you may not need 5 channels. A used 2-channel Dreadnaught (or Dread II) might be within your price range, and would be a killer match. I debated for quite a while between a 2-channel Dreadnaught II and two Enterprises.

Back to preamps. I am not sure if you are after a multi-channel or 2-channel preamp, but I have found Rotel to be pretty darn good at their price point in both regards. However, after I purchased my 1066, Rotel came out with the RSP-1068, which in addition to better DACs (same as the 1098, I hear), offers an analog bypass in 2-channel mode, which is nice. So, I think that I am going to upgrade to the 1068. Most of my preamp shopping has been geared at a multichannel pre/pro that also allows for a great 2-channel experience, though. The Krell Showcase is pretty good, but their HTS 7.1 currently tops my wish list. Again, though, Rotel is very good for the money. However, if you are sticking with 2-channel, though, I have heard that Thiels work well with a tube pre and SS power, so I'd at least audition some tube preamps. Their seem to be scads of great 2-channel preamps here for sale on Audiogon, so I think that you can pick up something nice.

Hope this helps, Tom.
The above advice is excellent. Adding to Tom's post, if you can't afford the Krell FPB series, you could try an older KSA model (either the 150 or 250 would work well) rather than the KAV models, which I agree won't be nearly as good. You have excellent speakers there, feed them well.
Great advice thus far. I'd stay away from the Bryston amps UNLESS you also go to MIT cabling. I had several Bryston/Thiel combos and enjoyed them, but the MIT was a mandatory element but greatly added to the cost of the system. Friends have also recommended that I stay away from the Krells in combo with Thiels (could be the KAV issue -- I can't recall). Of the options you have listed, the Musical Fidelity or CJ would be good choices. Yes, Thiels are power hungry so, whatever your choice, high current capability (i.e., linear, double wattage into 4 ohm loads -- such as 400w into 8 ohms, 800 watts into 4 ohms -- is a big plus and more is better). Try before you buy (or buy used at a good price and be ready to quickly resell at a small to no loss). Good luck.