Has anyone compared Audio Research LS25II to Ref2

I am thinking of making the plunge and upgrading (I actually have my LS25 for sale now) to the ARC ref.2 (or ref.2 MkII). I am wondering if anyone has any direct experience with both of these amps.

Thanks for your input
I had the LS25Mk11 and was looking to upgrade, I auditioned the Ref 11 Mk11 and heard subtle differences in my system. The Ref 11 Mk 11 was more detailed but like Rlips found it somewhat noisier than the LS25 Mk11. I was looking at new equipment so the cost difference between the two was significant. I decided that while the Ref 11 Mk11 was an improvemnet it just wasn't worth the price difference. I ended up selling the LS25 Mk11 and purchased a Conrad Johnson 16LS Series 11 and haven't looked back.
Agree with both above. The Ref 2 MKII has a sweeter mid range and slightly better bass and treble extension from what I remember. The LS-25 MKII was much more dynamic that my BAT VK-30SE.

Happy Listening.
I would keep the LS25MKII and change the Nordoast Red Dawn interconnect (I think it is a weak link in your system). I think with better cables, you will get a "fuller" midrange, greater transparency and extension. I think the Analysis Plus crystal Oval interconnect kills the Red Dawn and the SPM cables.