Sounds like your budget has dropped since you originally inquired about amps & preamps to drive the 4.5s.
It probably isn't what you want to hear, but IMHO you won't be fully taking advantage of your investment in the 4.5s with any integrated in this price range.
Can you get a decent amp? Sure. Will it maximize what the 4.5s were made to do, I doubt it. In fact, I'd guess that if you ask A.V.S., he'll say the same.
You've got a speaker that thrives on high current than most tube-friendly designs. It has resolving power that mades tubes best choice. That's why the BAT amps are a great match for them.
For $1500, I'd recommend a CJ CAV-50 and an external phono like a Lehman Black Cube or Phonomena. However, I think you'd be a lot happier in the long run if you wait until budget allows more $. If you haven't already bought the 4.5s, I'd reallocate more of the budget to the hardware and get the VR2s instead.
Cheers, Spencer