Which Passive Preamp --Bent Audio or Placette ?

I have been reading alot about passive preamps lately and the advantages and disadvantages of them.
I have read about resistor based volume controls such as the one on the Placette Passive, and transformer based volume controls such as the one on the Bent Audio NOH.
Has anyone owned or compared the Placette Passive Preamp and the Bent Audio NOH Passive preamp head-to-head?
If so, how do they compare sonically, and what are the sonic advantages and disadvantages in comparison to one another?
How does the passive Pass Labs Aleph, and the passive section of the Adcom GFP-750 compare to the Placette and the Bent Audio?
Thanks in advance!
If you get the Placette, get the ACTIVE version. It is considerably better than the excellent Adcom (I made that exact upgrade myself, once upon a time).
Bent audio. The only way to go. John Chapman is one of the nicest guys one could ever meet.

You can do no wrong with a transformer based volume control. Go Bent Audio, you won't regret it.