Why all these JC-1's for sale?

I don't doubt that this is a very good product and an extraordinary value, but i'm curious to understand why in the space of 1 month or so i have seen seven pairs of these jc-1's for sale here at audiogon. Could it be that these people purchased them at a discount and are selling now for a profit or is there something regarding their performance that is amiss? Could it be a coincidence? I am not familiar with these amps but have read about them. As always this forum is an opportunity for all to better understand important products that come into our passionate hobbie. Please, fire away!
Well, I for one considered the JC-1's, but after listening to the Theta Enterprise monoblocks, and then seeing some deals on used Enterprises in the same price range, the decision to go with the Theta's was easy (for me).

Still, one does suspect that at least some of those people with JC-1's up for sale are folks who read a good review, bought them, and then weren't quite as thrilled once they heard them in their home.

Probably the rave reviews caused sales and
demo unit "bubble".
summer is coming soon these heat up the house
some people buy to be 1st on the block.
Anyone ever think that alot of these were sold and this is just a normal amount of resales. No one asks the question about Krell. Look at their listings. Everybody thinks there is a conspiracy and the worls is ending.
Check out Bound For Sound, forgot what issue. It documented a review of the JC-1's, and was perhaps the ONLY mag to find them inconsistent, due to a design flaw I believe. On some days, they were amongst the best available, yet on other days, nearly unlistenable.

Could this be the effecs of that ? Random satisfaction or dissatisfaction ? :-)