SS apm for Totem Mani -2

Any recommendation on solid state apmlifier between $1000-1500(second hand) for Totem Mani-II speaker and Hovland Preamp/pentagon CD player combibation ?
Mani-2 has 85db sensitivity.
I have owned Mani-2's for many years and before I paid thousands to buy a super amp, I used a Sunfire amp. I connected the current source to the tweeters and the voltage source to the woofer. Very smooth sounding with iron fist bass. You can be this amp for less than $1000.00 used.
I used a Linn Klout with my Totem Mani-2 for a few years and was very happy with the results. The key is the current of the amp, oversized toroidal transformer and 40,ooo uf of capacitance per channel. The Klout can be had second hand for about $1,200.00 . I would go for the models with the female banana plugs(serial number <5000), this models have the standard female bananas. I used Kimber 8-TC with the Nordost Z-Plugs on both ends of the cable.

Hope this helps. Hector
i use a pair of odyssey monoblocks with my mani 2's along with classe preamp and cd player. I have the upgraded monblocks (120,000 caps) and klaus from odyssey is making the extreme version of the monoblocks, which i have heard are also very good. with the monoblocks, i get a full range sound even at lower volumes, which is tough to do with a 85db sensitive speaker. i also made a change to shotgun biwiring using 2 sets of Discovery copper cable which made a big difference over a much thinner silver wire. right or wrong, I wanted less resistance getting the power to the speaker.
good luck
I used a Pass labs Aleph 5 with great success. Also used a pair of Cary CAD-300B monoblocks with superb moderate level success