I would suggest looking for one or perhaps two McCormack DNA 0.5 Revision A Gold amplifiers. With this amp, you should get the very best of both tube and solid-state.
Even in their stock form, the 100 wpc DNA 0.5 was a legendary amp just a few years ago as the majority of Stereophile reviewers and others rated the stock DNA 0.5 amp a competive 2nd to the $30k Krell Ref. Standard amp.
But with a Revision A rebuild, these DNA amps become a whole 'nother animal.
Even in their stock form, the 100 wpc DNA 0.5 was a legendary amp just a few years ago as the majority of Stereophile reviewers and others rated the stock DNA 0.5 amp a competive 2nd to the $30k Krell Ref. Standard amp.
But with a Revision A rebuild, these DNA amps become a whole 'nother animal.