Aponter4, it looks like I have been had this time. I thought you were serious so it's my turn to dole out the apology. Maybe you SHOULD refer me to that shrink!!! LOL! Man, that is the only problem with the Net, you can't see a person and gather their intention from their demeanor.
I guess my problem is that I never really take audio too seriously. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE music, the gear and the comaraderie, but considering all the strife, terrorism, hunger, war and other maladies facing the world today, I try (although I don't ALWAYS succeed) to put the unimportant issues of the day like "tubes are better than solid state" or "my amp can beat your amp" or "analog is better than digital" into perspective.
For me, if the biggest problem I am facing is which power cord to use or my amp blew a tube or I bought this CDP and don't like it, then I better thank God for such problems.
Gentleman, if I have offended anyone, please accept my sincere apologies, I was just trying to be silly and have some fun.
Jonathan, Mark, Andrew, Jacob, Bob, Mike, Frank and Aponter4, enjoy the music and keep fighting the good fight!
Now about that crappy Meitner I have!!!! (just kidding!!) ;-)