ok guys get me into 200+ wpc

i asked you which amp under $1200. can I get something of at least medium or above quality with 200 or above wpc for same money? (hopefully!) thanks for all the suggestions
Buy an old Hafler DH500 used for about $350.00, and send it into to wwwmusicalconcepts.com Have the pa3b circuit board upgrade and a new set of lc500 power supply caps put in for about $600.00, and you will have an amp which will compete with the $2500.00 and up category!!! (The only downside is some fan noise if you listen @ low volumes)
I will second the Sar Lab Mos 400.It is definitely a "giant killer"
I think there is one for sale on Audiogon right now.
I have two and no regrets.
I just noticed the guy selling his sar lab also owns the 8008bb and is keeping the aragon. You might ask him why.
Chris96..I did ask him why and his answer...quote/unquote

""I was looking for a dual-mono amp that
would match well with either an Aragon 8008BB or aragon palladium 1K's.
A friend of mine recommended this amp so I went on an internet quest to
find one. Now, I've decided to downsize and simplify. I got tired of
all the thick power cables and stuff clogging up the back of the eq rack.""

Seems to me he prefers the Aragon but in a previous email also stated he "didn't really give it a chance"....his choice.
All the suggestions above are interesting choices and I wouldn't question either of them.
Thats the trouble with the audio market,if you are a small independant ,with an exellent product, usually you can't afford to spread "big bucks" around for advertisement.
But that disadvantage ,for the small independant,becomes our advantage because there are "hidden treasures..gems"that do not demand a inflated ridiculous price but has superb quality.....thus the Sar Lab Mos 400.
There are only 37 in exsistance and counting.
I will admit the ONE disavantage of these "hidden gems" is their resale value is terrible.Of course that is if you are selling but if you are buying .....
Sorry a little off topic
Thats funny, Hes looking for an amp to match an amp?? not sure I get that one. Ive never heard of the sar lab before. What do they list for?