Classic Rock Listener - Help me build my system

It's a Saturday evening, Got my equiptment all warmed up,
put on a Yes, Led Zepplin, Moody Blues, Nektar, etc.( or almost any of my late 60s thru 70s ), kick back in my chair
and am disappointed time after time at the lack of enjoyment I'm getting from all this equiptment I've invested in. As a music LOVER, I admit I am not all that knowledgeable about the equiptment and what matches what.
I have a Krell KAV-300, Sunfire Classic tube Preamp, into a Mark Levinson 331 into Legacy Sig.III. Using Audioquest Crystal2/Forest biwire and Cardas Quadlink 5c connects.I need much advice as to what to change out of system and what to replace with other than my Sig IIIs. The sound mostly seems dark with a fatigueing hardness if you can believe that. I like to somewhat crank but the more I do the more those negatives increase. Any advice?
Man- the knowledge within the posts is incredible to me.
Sean, you mentioned something in your post about using a single run for the speakers instead of biwiring. That really struck me because I have found that to be true for my ears and that is why the first move I'm making is to sell my Audioquest and trying a pair of single Nordost Blue Heavens or maybe the SPM. Probably the Blue Heavens first.
But your overall post has a lot of great info for me and I thank you for all of it.
And John,
Thanks too for the interest. As far as the Legacys go, I just got them and I have read much about how well they perform for my type of music which leads me to want to try looking at, say the Krell Cd, and the Cardas cables, along with the ML amp. I think if I replace those properly it will go a (hopefully) long way towards my goal. I thought the Pinnacle, Sunfire setup I had before was better but I didnt mean that it was good enough. I just wanted, like everybody else, to continue to improve my system. I probably made a huge mistake like you guys said: changing too many things at once. Now Im less dazed and confused, but this thread will help me 100 times more than anything else I could have tried. Nothing better that listening and learning from informed people, especially those familiar with the components I've listed. I'm not wealthy, but Spending money for audio in this price range isn't a problem and it's also a VERY enjoyable hobby. Can any one suggest what CD player to try as I am convinced that the Krell I have is a big part of my problem. Based upon using the Sig iii, the Sunfire Sig amp, and Nordost cable.
I think the best , first 2 things to do are the get the Nordost and CD player. And then the amp. I also didn't mean that I wanted a bass heavy system, just that PUNCH! I got that with the Sunfire amp and Pinnacle sub. Nor is the system I have now TOO bassy, just too dark (warm) and hard in the midsection. I've read a lot of opinions about the Theta Miles for Rock. Thats the one I may get next unless someone convinces me of another unit.
Thanks everybody!
When you suggested using light guage copper cables:
Would the Nordost fall into that catagory and if not, do you have a cable recommend? I'd like to know about combining the bi-wire leads to one post. Is that different than using the external jumpers?
Naim gear is often preferred for rock because of its drive (prat). You might consider a demo of the Naim CD5i CD player.
Hi Dave,

The crossovers in the Sig 3 present a wicked load to the amplifier. I experimented everyway possible with those speakers. The best results are to open up the terminal box on the back. Unscrew the leads at the bass terminal (lower) and connect them to the upper post. Run one set of speaker wires to the upper post. The bi-wire jumper does not work well on that speaker- nor does bi-wiring. I would take a look at the Kimber brand of cabling to use with that speaker. I only tried the Nordost Red Dawn interconnect. That had a strange sound in the highs and the bass was incredibly powerful. Try a lowly pair of PBJ and some 8TC.
good luck
That's a strange combination you have going on there, too dark and hard. Usually it's dark and soft or bright and hard. All I can figure is the Cardas is the dark and the Krell is the hard. Going to the Nordost should eliminate the dark, which would mean you're looking for a softer cd player? Again, I would go one step at a time, replace the Cardas and AQ with the Nordost and report back. If it still sounds too hard, I'd try a Classe CDP-1 cd player. I had one a couple years ago and it was smooth and punchy. You should be able to get one for well under a kilobuck.
