Favorite SS Amp?

And the search continues. I am always looking for better. I currently have a pair of Dali Euphonia MS-4's which I love. I am using a Sherbourn 7/2100 which is a fine amp but not exactly what I am looking for. Ideally I am looking to go back to just 2 channel. Based on size and WAF constraints, I am limited to a stereo amp that will be in a cabinet so heat will be a consideration, although the bottom shelf could conceivably have 5-6 inches above it for heat dissipation if I went to a Class A amplifier. Budget is a consideration. Really not looking to spend much over 3-4K used. High current and respectable power would be a plus. Sonic signature is very important and big soundstage as well. Thanks in advance for all of your good input.

Good Listening,

Steve Bachman
Phoenix, AZ
Just as a follow-up, I'd like to say I decided to keep my Ayre V-5x but I am looking for a different pre.
According to Bound for Sound and some other independent magazines Clayton's amp are suppose to be the best SS.
I used to have Electrocompaniet, to my ears it was really good without competition in his price range.
I have heard Krell amps on the few occasions to my ears they are the worst from SS, utterly unmusical. So it must be a taste.
Hey Driver,
I too have the v 5 x and wouldn't think of replacing it. It's smooth.
Belles 350 A. I have had Bryston, Levinson, Gamut. For the money nothing compares to Belles.