First Sound compared to Supratek, VAC, or Audio No

Hello. I have a FS Prescence Deluxe II and am very happy with it. I have read that people often prefer transformer coupled preamps to non-transformer coupled ones.

Does anyone have experience with the First Sound products and one or more from Supratek, VAC, or Audio Note? If so, how were they different?

I addition, I am curious if any First Sound owners have moved up their line? Where did you hear improvement? Overall, do you think is it worth the extra expense? Looking back, would you made a different choice? Thanks for your input. Brooks
I've upgraded to the VAC Renaissance from the VAC Standard LE about 2 weeks ago. Conversation with a few 'Goners a month ago really got me interested in the Ren.
As "adequate" as the LE was IMO, the Ren is in a different level, as it should be. Build quality is excellent. The pics don't do justice to this preamp. It is dead quiet and not only is the soundstage broader and deeper, it's also taller. Notes that were barely audible on the far left and right of the soundstage from the LE is now more distinct. The bass is outstanding, going deeper, and much cleaner that I could've imagined. Grain and haze is non-existant. I wouldn't have called the LE veiled, but the transparancy of the Ren is amazing. Music has a whole new flavor for me.
Thanks to Kevin Hayes of VAC and to the fellas. It's an expensive decision but a whole lot easier to justify.
Drubin, it may indeed be a suspicious post, but there is no question some who have owned or heard both (First Sound & Supratek) have preferred the Supratek while others have preferred the First Sound.
It does not surprise me that someone would greatly prefer a Supratek over a First Sound in a given system.

I don't believe all pre-amps mate electrically with all power amps in a way that actually allows the two parts of the signal chain to perform under optimal conditions. Even though designers and engineers will tell me that I am completely wrong, my experience has suggested otherwise. Components should work well with other components across a wide spectrum, of course, but the balancing act that takes place between stages in the signal chain can be less that optimal.

The First Sound pre-amps have minimal circuitry: a single gain stage, no buffer- or cathode follower stages, etc. As such, they have a relatively high output impedance (1300 Ohms or so) and medium gain (16 dB). Sometimes, this can translate into a "laid back" quality with some power amps. The power amp should probably be fairly sensitive at their inputs (say .75 - 1.2 V) to work pretty well with the First Sound. With decent matching, the First Sound is very dynamic and alive--with out being "in your face."

Conversely, some pre-amps over-drive the inputs of some power amps and do indeed slam everything at you. Long story here, but I believe I have encountered both under-drive and over-drive from pre's to pwr amps.

Like any component, and perhaps even more so in the First Sound's case, it has to be matched with the associated power amp(s), and it also responds greatly to changes in power cords, interconnect, and isolation devices. (Part of its minimalist approach makes it this way, maybe....) This matching requirement may not be as critical with the Supratek; it looks like it has more active circuitry (just a guess by all the tubes). Also, a system "tuned" for a Supratek may have precisely the wrong set of cables, power cords, rack, and the like for the First Sound and vise versa.

I don't suggest that one way is any better than the other: absolute minimal circuitry vs. more complex, active circuits. Proof is in the result according to the designer's goals and chosen compromises. I have no ax to grind either way.

The Supratek Syrah I had hoped to audition next to the First Sound was sold by its owner only a matter of days before I made the request to hear it. I will keep trying to get a side-by-side listen of the Supratek, though.