Shop w/me

I am in the process of upgrading my current system: the only possible holdover are Linn Klimaxx monoblocks. I listen to jazz, rock, blues mainly. As I stat to audition stuff, I will keeing a journal here: any comments, feedback, ideas, more than welcome. I listen only to CDs and SACDs...apologies to analogue fans (I have no qualms, just don't like the required storage space and software availability!)

1st Audtion:
target: Wilson Watt Puppy 7s
retailer system: Spectral amps and Audio Rsch CD3. arcici suspense rack. unforuntately retailer here in Asia try to stick to their own systems: indeed I wanted to try the Sophias too which they did not have in stock

Ben Allison: Peace Pipes: transient detail, attack simply outstanding, imagin quite good but sound stage a bit narrow?
Caia: MAgic Dragon: try chill out and see what they can do: tweeter clarity outstanding as I can hear the dinstant triangles more clearly than my current Proac Response 4s Bass very solid and taut, perhaps too much. But something is bothering me...I wonder what it is
Patrica Barber: Modern Cool: perhaps vocals will the stopry: sounds very ,live, u r there. distance btwn mouth and mike easy to tell...but still
Dennis Chambers: Outbreak: let's see if it can boogie: bass kick drum well defined, elec bass slapping transients/attack great: no muddiness whatsoever...yet soundstage underwhelming

soundstage and lack of sweetness seems to be a common theme: is it the amps? excessive toe in? will tubes help? needs to warm up? hmmmm

Oliver Nelson: Stolen Moments..ahhh...that's more like it. Perhaps it WAS the recordings. Same thing happens w/ Little Feat's remastered Waiting For Columbus. And w/ David it warming up?

Back to Scott Henderson Well To The Bone: yuk....back to same issues and worse. Cannot rock out.

Overall: biggest thing is very accurate, transient detail, attack, ...but soundstage cld be an issue, and certainly not sweet...biggest issue for me: did not make me want to dance when it should, and less involving than my set up (Pro Ac Response 4) for some reason though certainly more "hi-fi". Possibly much better with different amps and less toe-in, but should keep in mind

Well, one is never convinced at first try: this only the first of many. May be I will come back to this: I did like the looks though, and perfect physical size for me: also liked the arcici suspense racks though how much they contributed to the sound, I have no idea

Next audition to come: comparing Linn Klimaxx-Kontrol vs HP200-Radia.
Wilson on Spectral is as dead a sound as it gets. Wilson on BAT is much more my liking.

Kharmas have no bass below 50hz, so the Wilsons should have slaughtered the 3.2s on bass.

btw, I love Caia Magic Dragon!

In short, your comparison is somewhat flawed, and differing rooms/components isn't helping your search any. I agree with previous poster to take your amps with you.

I thought that Wilson WP 7 w/ Spectral sounded fantastic at the HE show last year, it was immediately apparent the minute you walked in the door that something special was happening, and got even better when you got in the sweet spot, huge soundstage totally grainless and natural.

If you are going to be buying from a dealer at full price, I would make them work for their money, if you buy 20k speakers they are going to be profitting close to 10k, I would tell them to bring them over and set them up at your house and let you try them in your own system, if you don't buy them then pay them for their time.

I think you are right on about going with a speaker amp combo that is know to be great such as Tenor/Karma.
If you're not doing this already through a cd/sacdp volume, you might try out the Klimax + short-listed speakers combo with a (passive) attenuator. This experiment will help you gauge timbre & tonality with the speakers under consideration. In order to do this, all you need is to know the input impedance of the Klimax and choose the right value for the volume pot (the wrong value will make the sound "thin" i.e. lacking in low-mids & bass).
Wilsons...yes there were good in their own way, and the amp matching may not have been ideal (I really think they wld be better w/ tubes) and finally the rooms were different etc etc. The pt for me is that I just loved the Kharmas, plain & simple while the Wilsons were not my cup of tea. Everyone has different tastes: if we all had the same then there would not be that many manufacturers in the hi-end!

Anyways, today yet another audtion

(Linn Kontrol preamp + Klimaxx Mono blocks)
vs. (Hovland HP200 + Radia)
Source: Linn CD 12, speakers: Linn Komris

Again this may not be fair. Room, music was all the same but an all Linn system has got to have some synergies, plus the Komri's sensitivity is only 86db, though for bass it has internal driver.

The Hovlands were certainly beautiful (!), and sounded fine...hung well together. A bit of softening on the transients, pace was normal. Soundstage was better than avg., though I sensed the sound to be bit foward. However the Linns were quick, more transparent, and had a wider soundstage. But more so than soundstage (left to right) was the front to back depth where Linns clearly out did the Hovlands. I had somewhat expected this given I am quite familiar w/ Linn by now, but I also thought that the Hovlands would provide more mid range lushness, sex appeal if u will, given the pre-amp is tube, but it didn't really: if so, only a hint. Perhaps if the power amp was tube it make much bigger diff, given Radia is solid state. Hard to tell.

In any case, Hovlands did not rock my boat. They may excel with other speakers, true. The Kharmas I like a lot are 89db in sensitivity and already have that mid range, sound stage done so perhaps wld work well w/ the Hovlands? Does anyone have any idea/opinion on this?

Another thing, the Linn Klimaxx monoblocks have a input impedancy of only 7.5K, so clearly the HP 200 can't really drive it well (HP: output impedance is 50K, Kontrol 300 ohms).

So if I keep the Klimaxxes, I got to find a preamp with a matching output impedance. Apart from Linn Kontrol and BAT VK 51SE (200 ohms), does any one have suggestions?

Of course, I still need to make the trip to the Kharma place w. the Klimaxxes to see if there are a decent match. I suspect they will be as their respective strengths are complimentary.

Future plans: audtion BAT 51 VK SE. Jtinn suggested using the Emm Labs (which I am interested in)...and driving the power amps directly from the DAC22 for greater transparency....but I now doubt this is possible given the Linns input impedance...certainly will check it out.
Missed your latest comments, Gregm. As u can see from above the Klimaxx input imedance is lowly 7.5 K...still possible?