Phase Inversion

recently read about a cary slp98 pre amp as well as a few others that are phase inverting. also read that this can be reversed by changing the polarity of the speaker wires. my question, why do manufacturers do this? does it make an audible difference? why reverse it? i also have read about cd's that are recorded phase reversed. what is the point of all this. thanks alot.

aloha keith
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They do it because they would have to add another amplifier stage to correct it. Most feel simpler is better and it is definitely cheaper.

Yes, it is audible. Simple example: A whack on a bass drum causes the membrane on the drum to move out intially and then it returns. This causes a compression of air followed by a rarefaction. If your woofer incorrectly reproduces this by first moving in and then out it will sound different.

Some (most?) sudios don't pay any attention to this so some recordings end up being reversed.

FYI, the correct term is inverted polarity, not phase. It is confused by the fact that many manufacturers use the incorrect term.
Consider 'phase inversion' as 'nature of the beast' or 'less is more'. Electricial engineers have always had this quandry when designing audio equipment. Most have added the additional phase to 'bring' the positive and negative 'back' so people are not confused. By doing this another circuit is added, creating another potential undeseriable noise source. Conrad-Johnson equipment is non phase inverting, requiring you to flip plus to minus at your speakers to keep everything in phase. I hope this helps?
The problem is how many times is the polarity reversed during the entire process starting with the recording?
Most likely a number of times. If that is the case I dont think it makes much difference.