Tube Shelf Life

I have purchased several NIB Electroharmonix tubes. These are the new variety and not NOS. Does anyone know what the anticipated shelf life is on these newer tubes or any reason to believe that they will degass or otherwise degrade faster than NOS from 20 or more years ago?
Getter material doesnt' need to be hot to do its' job.

Old tubes can work a long time. In my main rig, the preamp is using tubes from the 1920s, and the ones in the amps are from the late 20s through 1940s.

Ed_sawyer...A military equipment that I was involved with had a vidicon tube, and to maintain its life we had a requirement to turn on and operate spare units for 30 minutes every 90 days. This was to get the getter hot. I guess there may be different kinds of getter.

Early vintage TV tubes (CRTs) definitely had problems if stored for a year or more without operation. Of course, a CRT has a lot of glass area for leakage to occur.