The DR-25 is 250 watts per channel, sonically it would rate very highly against the majority of todays amps. If you find a Model Twenty-Five amp my suggestion would be to make that purchase rather then the earlier DR-25. After Reich left the company Glen Grue and associates made some subtle improvements to the 25, my opinion of the latter amp is that it was a major improvement. The audio rags agree as well, look up the old reviews of the Fifteen and Twenty-Five and you'll find consensus that the mods were major improvements.
I have owned both the DR-25 and the Twenty-Five, and I still own a Fifteen which is to date my favourite amp regardless of company. I find these amps extremely musical, very well balanced, and when it comes to reserves they stand up very well.
I have owned both the DR-25 and the Twenty-Five, and I still own a Fifteen which is to date my favourite amp regardless of company. I find these amps extremely musical, very well balanced, and when it comes to reserves they stand up very well.