Bloated bass and the panasonic digital receiver

I bought a panny to give to my Dad, but have it hooked up right now just for fun on my big rig. It sounds pretty good but the bass is bloated/loose. I am running a philips 963 via monster digital cable to the panny. I have it on party mode to give each speaker 200wpc. The upsampler is off. I set it to front right and left speakers only. Bass synthesizer is off.Any thoughts?
So you had another amp in there before that "wasn't bloated in the bass", correct?.
Assuming a swap out from your other amp to the Panny, and all things set relatively the same, I'd assume you're panny isn't so strong to control whatever speakers you're running, probably full range no doubt, yes?
If it's not bass modal problems from your set up/room, I'd say you have a lack of power, or too much bass level gain. I'd want to know measurements at certain frequencies in relation to 1Khz, compared to other amp setup you were using, to define "bloated bass" a bit more.
You need to do trial and error. Check the trebble and bass boost setting to make sure, as with dynamic range settings, EQ's etc. Also, subwoofer and crossover settings if applicable, the works. Really, there's only so many variables if your rig was set up correctly in the first place(i.e, flat frequency response overall).good luck
your dad wasn't at least worth Rotel, NAD, Integra, Marantz or similar? Unless you have circuit city stock, *tsk tsk* :D

just teasing you of course, but what concerns me is "party mode" - is there some kind of stereo/direct/2ch mode? or is that what you're speaking of?
Dmoffitt- The party mode is feeding 4 channels of stereo. I'm basically biamping my speakers { piega p10's.} This makes it 200wpc, which is more than the Belles i had before. I never noticed this bass bloat before. I was told the bass of the philips can sound this way also. Maybe i'm just turning it up louder now that i've got 200 wpc and noticing it more? I guess i need to get the rives cd to test my room.