Mark Levinson 29 opinions

I need information and opinions of th ML 29 Power Amplifier. Anybody have it ? Best preamplifier ?
Suggest used price ?
Many people say that that Mark Levinson period is the best and that series is more natural than the news.
I will apreciate all you opinions and suggest.
In 1989,I was demoing several amps,Threshold,Counterpoint,Bryston and the Levinson 27 and 29.The little 29 sounded great,good luck,Bob
i ha it many year ago.still rememberhow clean and good it was. if you needthatpoweris probably a great purchase een today.
Used a 27.5 for several years and sold it to finance moving into SET valve equipment. It was arguably the best solid state amplifier I've ever used except for an original Bedini 25/25; huge power diff though. The 29 is thought to be the best sounding of the trio (23/23.5, 27/27.5, and 29). I've only seen maybe two for sale in the past couple of years for around 1200 bucks.

A keeper for sure.
regarding my ML 27.5
a keeper for sure ,yes.
i bought valve equipment too,first the CJ mv55 and more recently Rogue audio mono's M150 . so i got two systems and one room,now my next purchase is a swivel chair!!!!!

My neighbor bi-amps his speakers with a ML 23.5 on the bottom and ML 29 on top. Its a sweet sounding set up with a huge soundstage. He was told by a Madigral engineer that the 29 was built with higher grade parts quality than the 23/23.5 or 27/27.5, and was intended to be used in a bi-amp configuration.