2 ch. or 5.1 amp for HT mostly for music

I have just gotten back into audio after having raised 3 children. I bought an HK 325 receiver and 2 rti polk speakers along with a center. At some point for HT, I will probably add surrounds. Here's the problem. If I had it to do again, I probably would not buy any of the above, although neither the HK nor the polks are terrible. I listen mostly to music. Would I be better off to buy a 2 channel stereo amp or a 5.1 amp. I'm leaning toward a 2 channel. If I do go with the 2 ch. will this stll work when I add the surrounds. Again mostly music for me but some movies for the wife and family. I am also in the market for some good used speakers.
This is just my personal opinion. I used to have a complete home theater, now I have a stereo. Think about this for just a minute and maybe you'll seen what I found out, for myself anyway. You have $5K, $10K, $15K, etc. in your hand ready to buy something.

If you're wanting quality in your stereo and in your HT, would you be better off spending that money and buying two speakers or six? One stereo amp or three stereo amps (or 1 six channel amp)? One pre-amp or one HT processor?

With a GOOD stereo, the imaging eliminates the need for a center speaker, if the people watching are close to center. The center channel basically orients everyone in the room to the centered image (voices mainly).

Now, if you're rich and have $50K to $100K to spend, either way you want to go ought to be awesome.

Are far as used speakers, I have a pair of B&W Silver Signatures ($8000.00 in 1991) that I would sell you for $3500.00, they're monitors, but they go down to 35Hz, so for stereo material they're fine. For HT though, you'd probably want to add a REL Storm subwoofer for about $1800.00.
If I bought a 2 channel amp to use with this receiver, how would it work if I decided to add surrounds.
Assuming the receiver has preamp output for the two front channels. Those would be your inputs to the two channel amp.

Hope this helps