anyone know actual output of mark levinson 27.5?

not sure if i need to bi-amp with another 50 or 100 watt amp or if this is really more than 100 wpc, need enough to drive b&w matrix 801. 15x25 room, mainly classic rock. thanks for any help.
It is rated at 100 wpc.

However, the review of the 27 (not the 27.5), stated that it measured closer to 140 wpc before they clipped.) This is based on my memory of the review that I read a few months ago, before I sold my 27. (Funny enough, I sold it to a guy who was going to use it with the B&W 801s. If I could remember his name, I would pass it on, but I can't as it was a year or more ago. Sorry. I never heard a complaint from him, so I "guess" it worked ok. I would think more power would be better, but then again, isn't that almost always the case?)

Hope this helps.
I know someone that was running the 27 with Nautilus 801's...he said he didn't know what he was missing until he switched to the 336. I would say that the 23 or 23.5 might be a better choice without haivng to spend the big $$$.

just my 2c

The 27.5 is an excellent amp, but for speakers requiring
lots of current (like my Magnepans) the 27.5 can seem
anemic. I sold it and got a 335 (500 W/chan @ 4 ohms) and
the dynamics were greatly improved. I agree with Ellery,
spend a little more and get the 23.5