Whats the krell sound?

Have heard the above mentioned in either love it or hate it. Whats to love and whats to hate?

thanks(i think :))
Nate, glad to hear that the Krell arrived safely. Sorry I missed the chance to get a listen yesterday, I got your email Friday morning, and your phone message late last night when we got home from dinner.

I tried to be careful not to say that there is anything wrong with the Krell, I don't think that there is. It's a system synergy issue, but I have to wonder if the system ever has a chance of sounding good with both the Krell and the Maggie's, regardless of what I do with the source and/or other ancillary equipment. I might be wrong in that assumption and I would very much like to be proven so.

The TT is probably just too 'basic' to have a chance of sounding any better than the CD front end. It's a nice TT for the money, but I need to spend a lot more to get something that will perform well in my system. I get a taste for what vinyl is about with the Rega, but I know from owning an LP12 for many years that it is capable of much, much more. It would probably help to at least spend a bit of time setting the Rega up properly, and hopefully I can borrow your setup device, and maybe even your expertise for a couple hours soon.

I'm going to setup a system in the basement when you're done with the Cary's, using my old speakers and probably the turntable. That will give me the opportunity to start selling off some components from the main system, to finance a change in direction.
I haven't decided yet what the change will be, new speakers possibly, to mate with the Cary's. Or, new amps, to match better with the maggie's....maybe scale back on amps and speakers, and use the left over cash towards vinyl.
Anyway....there I go again!! Susan says it's a 'Libran trademark', hopping from one foot to the other.

I'm going now, no I'm not, yes I am, no...I'll stay a while longer, have to go.

I love how the Krell sound by some was determined by the $2500 integrated amp, that has been discontinued for over 3 years.

Give me a break folks!
I love how some people bash others and make blanket statements without reading all the posts.

Give ME/US a break!