Advice.. Integrated vs Seperates - Low Budget..

Here's the dilemna. I've got two different dealers I deal with primarily, I respect them both and they have very different sets of opinion - which is fine :) So I'm looking for a 3rd...4th.. etc sets of opinion.

I do have a Passive Pre-Amplifier. FT Audio's LW1S2 infact, and have been using it with my NAD C350 (now looking to sell it and move to a real poweramp).

However with my limited budget locally my choice for a poweramp is basically either the Rega Maia, or the Monarchy Audio SM-70. Both of which are hovering in the $800 CDN ($600ish USD) range.

So my one dealer is suggesting that I go for the Monarchy/Passive Pre-amp which does sound very good. The other one is suggesting that I give up on the whole idea of seperates and go to an integrated in the $1500 CDN range, which would be around $1150 USD.

I know that Integrateds have been getting better and better and that in the mid - high end it appears that there are integrateds that can match some seperates (Sim I-5, Plinus 9200, Vecteur etc). But for this price range - where I'm at wouldn't this very nice Passive Pre and match it with a good Power Amp best any similarily priced integrated?

As well can someone please correct me as to the benefits of seperates vs integrated? I had thought it had a lot to do with flexibility (ability to mix n match tube pre with ss amp for example) reduced crosstalk/rfi etc.

Thanks in advance,

Nathan Klassen
YOu might want to consider some of the tube amps with volume control (a "one source" integrated you might say). At $1000US used, there are some pretty good products out there, including Sophias, and maybe if you are lucky, a Cary. New, there are lots of Chinese products out there, including Cayin, ASL, Jolida, Ming-Da, etc. Not familiar w/the efficiency/impedence curve of your speakers, but if you went used in this product range you save $ on ICs and pre, and maybe get enough to upgrade your source. The Cayin 30 is pretty well received integrated and can be bought new for about $800US.
Budget-wise, for the same money you get higher-end integrated then separates. One exception - if you need excessive power. For a price of my i-5 I could choose among several inexpensive separates. But in terms of sound quality, i-5 just belonged to another, significantly higher level of refinement.
Also, the required interconnects go from the same budget, which also lowers possible choices. Just my 2 cents.
I strongly recommend Audio Note Oto (SET) integrated amplifier - while rated at only 9 watts this little amp will power a normal effeciency speaker to decent levels.
As I used to have a system very similiar...Quads and NAD...I would have to of the sonic strenghts/traits of NAd amps is soundstaging...true they are not the last word in detail or bass extension...but they do get the midrange right...not all amps(cheap or pricey) due...and going from that into a Rega for example would be more of a lateral move...I agree tubes would be fun...a nice ss intergrated is the Bryston b-60...although the unforgiving top end of the Quads with the Bryston might be a little "hot" any rate...its a nice amp with very good bass extension....also soundstaging is very recording dependent and speaker placement is critical...I have since moved on From this set up...but soundstaging and imaging were never a problem...once last note...used Quad equipment would be ideal...enjoy...just my .o2