Wow, wow. i'm kinda shocked that anyone even thinks a warrenty should be transferable. yes, i love to buy used gear and get a warrenty to boot! but from a mfg's point of view, why should they have to cover all that damage that occurs from shipping? what are you guys thinking? buying used gear is usually a steal. you know the unit's rap, your getting a steap discount, your not buying new from the mfg. and now you want the mfg to cover what is mostly (mostly, not entirely) shipping inflicted damage (either immediate or the slow slide), give me a break. GO CRY SOMEWHERE ELSE.
as far as Mac is concerned: my smaller downstairs system is all MAC (MR85, MC352, CR16, MC7205) and yes, I have had two issues. Both issues were handled promptly, and without question from my authorized MAC dealer. No hows, or no whys, just straight back to MAC, and straight back to me. With huge apologies coming and going. One issue was an acknowledged firmware bug in the MR85, and the other was shipping damage inflicted upon the MC352.
I am completely satisfied with the quality and service from MAC.
I appreciate the ability to buy used gear, but I don't expect the mfg to jump in and help me. Warrenty transfers are designed to help dealers with tradeins, not with Augiogoner's buying used gear. The list of mfg's still willing to transfer warrenties is getting slimmer by the day, and I fully support that slide, as we abuse its original intent here on this site.
To slight a mfg for not tranfering a warrenty is just bad taste.
as far as Mac is concerned: my smaller downstairs system is all MAC (MR85, MC352, CR16, MC7205) and yes, I have had two issues. Both issues were handled promptly, and without question from my authorized MAC dealer. No hows, or no whys, just straight back to MAC, and straight back to me. With huge apologies coming and going. One issue was an acknowledged firmware bug in the MR85, and the other was shipping damage inflicted upon the MC352.
I am completely satisfied with the quality and service from MAC.
I appreciate the ability to buy used gear, but I don't expect the mfg to jump in and help me. Warrenty transfers are designed to help dealers with tradeins, not with Augiogoner's buying used gear. The list of mfg's still willing to transfer warrenties is getting slimmer by the day, and I fully support that slide, as we abuse its original intent here on this site.
To slight a mfg for not tranfering a warrenty is just bad taste.