Monoblock Suggestion?

What brand of monoblocks is recommend with Dali's MS5 in order to obtain their full potencial. I'm looking to monoblocks in particular that will handle the 4 ohms load this speakers have and that won't run out of steam.Maybe a used brand that represent a good value.Maybe new?

Room is 18 x 12 x 11 , actually is a living room, I like not that loud, moderate.Maybe louder with movies.the ceiling is angled,the highest point measure 11 feet.
There is an amp that should be seriously considered with the MS-5's. As they say, synergy between amps and speakers is everything. Check out the Gamut D-200 mkII, not the mkIII. In particular, this will be a good match in the bass region. Then, together, you will have wonderful soundstaging, imaging, and depth. There is plenty of power for your room size. One can be purchased on the 'Gon for $2200, leaving you with more $$ for a pre and source. See a review at:
Have fun with your search!