Besides Audio, what other ''passion'' do you have?

I have often wondered what other interests other audiophiles thrive on. Cars? Wine? model plane building? Baseball cards? Camping? Let's hear it ! As for me, it's mainly kept in the ''audio'' family. Piano and guitar (accoustic) although I am finding myself surprisingly interested in electric guitar magazines, and finding out that ''every guitar and amp combination has a tone, and that the pursuit of ''tone'' is the ultimate quest, not unlike our never-ending quest for the perfect sound I guess, as an audiophile. Interestingly enough, I'm also finding out that most self-respecting guitar player will use a tube amplifier, while the solid state camp will use solid state in ''modelling'' amps, amps that duplicate the sound of other famous amplifiers all in one ( Vox, Marshall, Fender and more). Now there's a community where the tube vs solid state discussion doesn't last long, in fact it's no contest... What's YOUR other hobby or interest ?
Photography - on land and undersea
Scuba diving
World travel
Whitewater canoeing
Telemark skiing

I built quite a few of those WWII models in my youth. I liked the ones that were a "scene".

1) Golf
2) Hockey
3) Tweaking cars ('89 Supra Turbo, 01 Acura 3.2 Type S)
4) Hanging with my three kids, taking them to their sports
5) Drinking single malts, beer, good wine
6) Reading
7) Sex
Watching the O's and Maryland Basketball. (And sometimes football)
Wine and fine spirits. (Though it's my job)
My Lord (Jesus)
My wife ;-)
My children
NFL - Arizona Cardinals
NBA - Phoenix Suns