Jolida 502b, Manley Stingray & VTL- I85 compare ?

I would like to find out if anyone can compare these three
integrated's on my short list. I can not listen for myself.
I want to try tubes in place of the SS that I have now.
I am using JM Labs Electra 926's with an Audio Aero Prima
CD player. I would like info on the sound as well as the
quality of the units. My room is 13'x 26'(@2700 cubic feet). I listen to classic rock, rock and contemporary blues . It is 'rock' so I like it somewhat loud!
Is the Jolida mod by Underwood a significant improvement
over stock ? I can get a used stock unit for $700 and a new
modded unit for $1549 with warranty.
Thank you in advance.
I have a stock Jolida 302b from Underwood hifi that has no problems driving
my Mission 751s (89dB, 6Ohm) to loud levels. My first tube integrated as
well. The 302b actaully feels like it has more power than my Linn LK85 (85W)
power amp. The 302b is very dynamic with great rhythm and pace. The only
thing is that the bass could be tighter, which I believe is true for the 502b.
The 502b should make a good unit for listening to Rock.

However, all of this depends on the sensitivity and impedance of your

Another tube amp to consider might be the Cayin TA 30. I heard many good
things about it and it can use KT88 tubes as well as EL34s. Sorry, but I have
not had a chance to listen to the other amps. I'm interested in the other
anwers you might get though.

Good luck!
I can't compare these three, but I have the Manley Stingray here and I can assure you it rocks. I don't listen to too much classic rock anymore but I got out the Who "Who's Next" the other night and the 'Ray put it out there in fine style. My old Nad C370 just killed that CD and I had given it up for a lifeless recording. Not so!
If you haven't already, check the new 6 moons review. You can access it from the Manley site. Good luck.
Excuse me for adding to your list, but I am using an Audio Aero Prima Hybrid amp with the Prima CDP, and if you want that tube warmth with a tight, punchy bass, I've yet to find a better combination. For rock, classic rock, and blues, you would be hard pressed to beat it.
I should also say that I've owned the 502B, and have heard the Stingray extensively. Neither have bass that approaches the Prima Hybrid. Not even the CJ 140 had as much bass as the Prima. This is one amazing amplifier!