Do Countries Have a "House" Sound

I've been mulling over whether countries that manufacture audio equipment produce a sound peculiar to them. For instance, do you automatically assume gear from Germany has more an engineered, detailed quality whereas the UK, for instance, might have more PRAT.

Is there anything to this idea?
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Of course, though it's not obvious due to a sort of nationalism endemic to all
countries and cultures. People tend to think that all people think like 'we' do.
Hearing, seeing, tasting and evaluation are part and parcel to it.

A few months back I listened to a FM broadcast about a scientist who discovered
that cures and remedies can be vastly different due to different diagnosis
because of cultural beliefs. For example, migraines are thought to be due to
circulatory problems in the U.S., digestive problems in France and kidney
problems in Germany. The remedies are all different but there may be a common
thread in there, somewhere, and science should now look at that data to sort out
a commonality.

So it goes that if ailments are viewed differently and languages aren't truly
interpreted correctly and definitively, and let's not forget the apparent cultural
anomalies (as they seem to us), then what we hear and appreciate and deem as
good is not going to hold up on a worldwide basis.

We are rigid in our beliefs and selves (just yell loud enough and they'll
understand) so it doesn't amaze me that people would think we all hear music in
the same way or that all equipment are designed the same way.

All the best,
I think that way too many people put too much faith into studies. Someone's always doing a study on something. How do you know that they're findings are accurate, or at the very least, tell the complete story?

Today things have evened out more, but yesteryear things were quite different, speaker balance more than electronics seemed to dictate the "house sound"

Back in the 70's 80's early 90's The Brit's had a house sound that was a purposely laid back midrange by about -3db this gave the illusion of depth, half of Australia followed this sound. " Celef, non bbc Rogers, IMF, TDL etc"

The Yanks were a very up front "presence" type of sound. The other half of Australia followed this sound. "Klipch, JBL, Cerwin Vega, Electrovoice etc"

And the Germans were pretty much on the mark as they are with most things, which I think most of us try to get today. "Magnat, Canton, Quadral etc" Only a small percentage of Australians liked this sound, me included

Cheers George