SETs vs. Push/Pull

Say, people! I've been a tube guy for about 22 years and an SET guy for 7. Am seriously thinking of selling my Air Tight 300B and getting a P/P with more power. Anyone done this and if so, how are things going? Any suggestions for replacement amps that can compete musically with SETs?
Tomryan: Have you changed speakers? Are the less efficient (sensitive)? How big a room do you have and what is the rest of your system?
How much do you want for the Air Tight? Go ahead, get a push pull. Did I ask for your price on the Air Tight?
ProAc 2.5 Response Speakers w/ REL Strata III subwoofer
Placette Passive "Pre-amp"
CEC Transport & Perp Tech w/WrightMod & Bel Canto DAC2
Kimber Kable Select interconnects & speaker wire
Room is 11 x 13.5 x 8high, plaster with solid H/W floor & thick carpet and pad.

I've had the ProAcs for 6.5 years and still love them. Had the Air Tight for 3 years and it's the best SET I've heard but my ProAcs are 86db (but with very easy and stable impedance and very benign phase angle). They work very well with Air Tight 300B (better than my Cary 300B monos) but I need more bass control and overall impact. In the past year and a half I've tried 4-5 different pre-amps, none of which worked very well.

I'm just wondering if anyone out there has found a P/P that's been able to retain the SET magic but with more drive and "guts". Maybe something like a Granite Audio or a Bruce Moore Design amp. Any suggestions or (as I seem to be getting told) should I stick with SETs and try to find something more powerful like maybe something from Art Audio.

By the way, I do love my Air Tight. Not a hiccup in three years although I did quite a bit a rolling the input and rectifier tubes (don't ya just love tube rectification?!?). The damn thing is built like the proverbial battleship.

Oh, by the way, Philefreak, I'd have to get $3,150.00 for the amp (list $6,300.00) but now ya'll got me thinking...
You might check out the VAC amps that use 300B tubes push-pull. Nothing but an SET is going to sound like an SET, but the VAC amps sound pretty darn good.