Look at the Decware site for the HDT towers. These are so much better than C & C Abbeys or the Bens for that matter.A back loaded horn will never get the bass right. I don't care who it is and how much it cost. These speakers (HDTs) sell for $1800.00 direct and have 30 day return policy. You can't go wrong. The only speaker that I've found that beats them and are all in one package ( no sub.) is the Horning Hybrids. I have a pair of Horning Agathon Ultimates on order. The Hornings retail for $15,000.00 so they should be great. I've been in audio long enough to know that high price doesn't mean squat. But, the Hornings are really special. On the other hand the the Decware HDTs are my second best speaker and they retail for $1800.00. They will need a sub. Really is something when a $1800.00 speaker knocks on the door of a $15000.00 speaker. The Hornings are more relaxed and not as strained at high volumes and they don't require a sub. Hornings are a combo of the best single driver (HDT) speaker having plenty of presence and a more neutral multi-driver speaker(ie, Green Mountain C-3) all in one package. Up until now (because of the Horning lineup) audiophiles had to pick there poison(meaning music they listen to, and preferences, taste, etc.)for a speaker that suits them. I've always kept a single driver speaker around for that vocal and string reproduction that just couldn't be touched. On the other hand if I put on classic rock or full scale classical on the single drivers systems lacked the strength to hold it together. Although the HDTs w/ sub do very well(the best I've heard) at doing it all, they still don't quite acomplish what a do everything speaker should do. Thus the need for the Hornings. A push pull will never image or give the room and reproduce the event like a SET. And don't be fooled by higher power SETs either,they're OK but they aint a 2A3 or 300B! If you need more power than what a 300B can give, then something is wrong!