I have written much here about ARC gear and my experiences with Magnepan 3.3 and now 3.5 speakers. Indeed, the VT100 is a wonderful amp, but the VT130 from the mid 90s was absolutely incredible ... midrange to die for....and what an awesome tonal match with the 3.3s. But there was just not enough power/ I then tried the older Classic 150s with 150w and these were still not even close....and the CL150s were a huge step back as they had that analytical hybrid ARC sound.
I truly doubt the VT200/VTM200 amps will do it either. The unfortunate side effect of owning the larger Magnepans is that as affordable as they are, you end up spending so much for an amp to hear their potential. And once you hear these with tube magic, there's no going back to solid state.
The Counterpoint NPS400 works incredibly well but for me, but the Wolcott Presence amps were what I had been looking for. These come in at 275w monos. They have all of the incredible harmonic richness and musicality of the VT130 but also have the headroom and dynamics of the NPS400. I can only imagine what a 500w version of the Wolcotts might do for these speakers.
I think you should try to check out the Wolcotts as well as the VTL 450s as I truly think the 200w ARC models will not cut it. And if you like to stay with ARC gear, one other thing you should consider is to upgrade the LS2B. You are not at all hearing the potential of the Maggies with this line stage in your system. The Maggies deliver a most incredible 3 dimensional presentation when the preamp/amp have these strengths as well....and this is one area the LS2B fails miserably. A small investment to upgrade to an LS5, maybe an LS25 MK I, or any number of the excellent BAT models like the VK5i, would be a huge improvement to the musicality of your system.