world's best preamp closest to real sound stage

seeking realistic, realism, natural, depth, you are there sound. i was lucky to discover sound dynamics 300 ti's. a pass a40 amp, onkyo p304 preamp. ok so i am poor but i have rich taste! har har. seriously now i want to have the best in the world don't want to have to buy another preamp and yes everything is going to be chucked out for new stuff. the direction i am heading - von schweikert vr-4 jr speakers. for amp 1 of these: vac, theta, classe, rogue, pass, ayre, lamm, mcintosh......for preamps these are what i am considering: pass x1, lamm l1, arc ref2 mk2, vtl 7.5, wyetech opal, bat vk51se, mcintosh c2200, ayre k-1x, sim audio moon p5, cat ultimate, hovland hp100, audible illusions 3a or sonic frontiers line3. what will bring me closest to the sound stage if i listen to symphonic music and opera.
Meridian 861, or 98G series orchestral is pathetic in two channel only

For Orchestral Music nothing beats trifield for Soundstage (control of and size) or accuracy.

IF you have to stay two channel;

EMM DCC-2 with ATC SCM-100's, will smoke any combination of electronics you can use with with the VR4jrs. You shouldn't buy "value" speakers with cost no object electronics. Doesn't make sense.

You should think about more expensive much better speakers and less expensive electronics.
Of the ones you have listed, I lick the VTL, BAT and Ayre, in that order. The BAT is the best deal at its used price IMO.
Pedrillo, I think many factors influence your sound stage realism, such as room treatments, speaker placement, and even clean power, but the best linestage for realism I have heard thus far is the H-Cat P12R X9. I'm not even sure this company is still around, however.
The significant players in soundstage reproduction are the recordings, the speakers and the room acoustics. Preamps play a minor role if they are decent.
